Wednesday, November 9, 2011


It is amazing how we are here in this life to learn and gain experience so we can return to live with our Heavenly Father. Many ways that our Father in Heaven tries us in this life are through crises. This week we learned how crises most of the time can become a major benefit in our lives. We tend to see things much differently when we are at a distance, and for this reason when we are going through a crisis, we think it is the worst thing in the world, but afterwards we tend to see the hidden blessings. The way we react in these critical circumstances defines many of the aspects of the future and of other people's lives. Miracles can happen depending on how we react in situations of crisis. Our total experience is bigger than just the event. Crisis events have the ability to completely destroy families, or to bring them together even more. Our reactions during crises determine what kind of benefit we will have from situations. When we are accustomed to always working together, it makes so much easier to pull through together during crises. One really good thing I liked from class was the definition of punctuation. It is the way you explain the story; where you start/end, what you emphasize, the way you talk about it, and what parts you tell about it.

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